CHECK IT OUT: Our First Ever Podcast!

Recently, Emily and I were honored to be asked by David Crabill of the Forrager website to be on his new podcast that talks to home-based cottage food processors. If you don’t know, Forrager is a great website to find all the laws in your state for cottage food laws.

We talked about a variety of subjects from marketing and what goes into making a custom cake to changing Kentucky’s cottage food law and much much more! We had such a great conversation that David ended up making our podcast in two parts!

I never dreamed anyone would ever want me to talk on a podcast, so I was very excited when I got David’s email! It was a great experience, and once I start talking I realize just how passionate I am about cakes and what I love doing.

You can take a listen to our podcast, which is in two parts below:

Marketing Cake Art – PART 1 with Jennifer Lopez & Emily Blattel

Marketing Cake Art – PART 2 with Jennifer Lopez & Emily Blattel

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